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After Hours Care

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Exceptional Care, After Hours

West Otago Health After Hours Service

Our highly skilled PRIME practitioners are available for after-hours services during the following times:

Weekdays: 5pm - 10.30pm

Weekends and Public Holidays: 8:30am - 10.30pm

Feel free to call us at 027 644 0300 for advice over the phone or to schedule an in-person visit at the surgery if necessary.

Outside of these hours... you're still in good hands!

In case of an emergency, call an ambulance on 111.


For consultations when we aren't available, Ka Ora provides after-hours care. Call them on 0800 2 KA ORA (0800 252 672) or visit their website to book an online appointment.


For patients registered with West Otago Health, you can also contact the Gore after-hours service. Gore Health is a hospital offering a range of public and private integrated services, including 20 inpatient beds, a 24/7 Emergency Department, maternity services, Gore Health Centre GP practice, dental clinic, specialist outpatient clinics, Allied and Community Health services, MoleMap, lab, radiology, and Mobile Surgical Services.

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